Bathinda, July 30As the failure of the Northern Grid hit power supply early on Monday across Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Jammu and Kashmir, the functioning at the local Mini-secretariat and in the OPD building of the local Civil Hospital was also affected adversely.At the Civil Hospital, doctors examined the patients in hot and humid conditions for some hours. Many patients were seen using newspapers to fan themselves to get relief from the hot weather. None of the ceiling fans was working in the OPDs.Besides, in the absence of electricity, no tests could be conducted at the biochemistry laboratory and the haematology laboratory for some time as the machines were not functioning.When contacted, senior medical officer (SMO) at the Civil Hospital, Dr Satish Goyal, said due to some fault in the generator, the power supply to the OPD remained suspended. Although the fault was corrected later, power supply to the entire OPD building could not be restored due to some fault in the internal wiring, he added.Dr Goyal said they were now writing to the engineering wing of the Punjab Health Systems Corporation to take the necessary measures so that such a situation could be handled in a better way in future. At the Mini-secretariat, none of the passenger lifts functioned till noon due to the power outage. Besides, employees at many offices, which did not have power back-up, had to brave the hot weather to work. A couple of ceiling fans were functioning in the offices where the invertors worked. Due to power shutdown, the functioning of computer systems in many of the offices was also affected adversely.However, thanks to a generator, those working at the Suwidha Centre, situated on the premises of the Mini-secretariat, did not face any problem as the fans, lights and computers worked till the power supply resumed early in the afternoon.
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